Liber Khthonia (Softcover)


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Liber Khthonia

A Contemporary Witchcraft & Devotional Tradition of Hekate.

Swirling all around us is the celestial energy of creation, ignited at the beginning of time. This energy is the pure power of manifestation, divine, and undying, it is the Witch Flame that gives potency to witchcraft and ensouls the entire cosmos. There is one Goddess Who carries the Witch Flame, Who anoints certain individuals with this creative power. She is Hekate, a millennia old Goddess worshipped and celebrated as the Soul of the Cosmos, Goddess of Crossroads, and Queen of Witches

Much of what we know about Hekate comes from academia, and most cult traditions center around ancient traditions. Liber Khthonia: A Contemporary Witchcraft & Devotional Tradition of Hekate, by Jeff Cullen connects the ancient knowledge of the past with the relevance of the present sharing a practical, unique contemporary cult. He combines his decades of knowledge in ancient Hellenic cult with familial traditions, and experience in world religions presenting something that is rooted in antiquity, yet thriving. 

Liber Khthonia teaches the contemporary witch how to connect with Hekate in powerful, physical ways bringing the dynamis of the Goddess into your life like never before. In addition to creating your personal cult, constructing potent cult objects, awakening sacred images, and empowering your Witch Flame, this book also teaches you rites of witchcraft straight from the author’s personal grimoire. This book breaks with the conventional Wicca based traditions that are widely available and lets the contemporary witch discover their own power through unshackled freedom driven by their personal desire, inspired by Hekate, and burning with the ethereal Witch Flame! 

In this book you will find:

  • Introduction
  • History
  • The Mask at the Crossroads: Who is Hekate?
  • The Concept of Polytheism and Witchcraft in the Mediterranean
  • Cult Titles
  • Identifying and Refining Your Cult
  • Shrine or Altar
  • The Agalma (Cult Image)
  • Lustral Water and Sacred Fire
  • Tools of Hekate
  • Festivals and Sacred Days
  • Prayer and Rituals
  • Other Gods
  • Herbs, Roots, and Stones
  • Recipes for Sacred Incenses, Oils, and Potions
  • Witchcraft

Book Details:

  • Softcover 400gsm art paper
  • Silver stamping on cover and spine
  • Non-scratch matte lamination
  • 6x9in (15x23cm)
  • 80gsm offset paper
  • 344 pages
  • Does not contain the 7 full-page panel illustrations found in the hard cover edition.

Additional information

Weight 20 oz
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 1 in

1 thought on “Liber Khthonia (Softcover)

  1. johnor3 says:

    Thank you for this wonderful book! The book came super fast and arrived in excellent shape. The artwork is superb, and content very much exceeding my expectations. I was so excited to become aware of this book from a Youtube review. Money is a bit tight, but as soon as I can I will be back to buy an Iynx Wheel. I have my eye on some of your inspirational statues as well. Wishing you and your Husband all the very best!

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