“Medea’s Hekate” Original 8.5 x 11 Inked Panel from ‘Liber Khthonia’ by Jeff Cullen


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Own the original art of ‘Liber Khthonia’!

This panel pays homage to the 1963 film, ‘Jason and the Argonauts’ based on the Greek myth of the Golden Fleece. Here Hekate stands at Medea’s altar along with Hebe, Goddess of Youth, Who attends on the frame. Medea harvests her plants at the bottom right, having called down Hekate’s chariot, drawn by winged serpents at the top. A large spider emerges from the bottom of the panel. Could this be Arakhne, transformed by Athena, using the poisons of Hekate?

This original inked panel illustration is 8.5×11 on artist’s sketch paper.

Additional information

Weight .5 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .1 in